Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Artisans' Collective Part 3

The flight was uneventful, the bags are unpacked, and we are home.

Happily, I am back at the bench.
Two orders shipped, three custom orders
in the pickle, and all sorts of new work
for my shop in the coming days!

Here's Part 3 of the Artisans' Collective introductions.
In case you missed Part 1 click here
and Part 2 click here.

6. kjoo


  1. What a wonderful and nice idea to introduce the artists on your blog. :0)
    Hope you had a great time in Disney World!

  2. Thank you Victoria!!! We had a lovely time, but I need a vacation from my vacation to refuel!

  3. Isn't that always the way? (refueling from a vacation)... thanks so much for using my photograph and giving my shop a push in your blog! You have lovely work... I went to the meeting (missed the 1st) and had fun ONCE I learned how to sit in the seats (i'm so Hope to see you at the next one :)

  4. Hi Jude! LOVE your work as well!

    SIT in seats?????? Egads! I'm a greenhorn as well. Guess I'll get a tutorial before attending the next meeting!
